About Me

Apart from being a Montessori Educator, the Founder and Director of Formative Age (A Montessori Teacher Training Institute) and a Youtube Content Creator, I am also a certified CPMCP coach. I have had the privilege to be taught by Dr. Shefali Tsabary, a world renowned clinical psychologist, parenting expert, New York Times best selling author and wisdom teacher.

I’ve been married for 26 years and I am a mother to 2 daughters aged 25 and 21. My family has supported and inspired me to go on a search to find myself.

My Journey

Taking the Conscious Parenting Method Certification Program has been one of the best decisions of my life.

As I witness the continued unfolding of my true self and the flowering of beautiful relationships, I want to share this experience with anyone who is interested to join me on the conscious path. This is my contribution to help heal humanity

Hence, I decided to become a conscious parenting Coach.

Here’s how it all began:

I was born and raised in India. I have had a sheltered, loving and comfortable childhood. However, I am not exempted from the influence of cultural and parental conditioning, the effects of the underlying unconsciousness in the humans around me and their belief systems. The culture I grew up in has definitely played an important role in helping me develop my own moral compass. At that point it was my sole intention to be a wife and then a mother. And lo and behold that’s what I was- a wife and a mother.

Wanting to be “The Best Mother”, urged me to take a Montessori Teacher Training Course. Dr. Montessori’s teachings taught me a lot: the importance of setting and holding boundaries, the importance of freedom and independence and creating an environment that fosters growth.

However, the unconsciousness and inherited patterns in my husband and myself kept playing on and on in our marriage. The girls witnessed this. I knew that it was not ok, but couldn’t do anything about it.

I listened to many spiritual teachers, read some books and immersed myself in wisdom teachings. I felt connected to Ramana Maharishi’s Teachings- Athma Vichara (Self Enquiry). This is when I realized that what I was looking for was inside, all around and a part of me. Although I seemed to get a little bit closer to the truth, my unconsciousness and egoic ways of my mind continued to show up. The only difference now was that I was aware of them.

These egoic patterns had started to affect the girls. Having raised them the Montessori way, both of them grew up to have an opinion of their own and had started questioning the many belief systems I blindly believed to be the only way. I could see the girls struggling with our differences of opinion and still wanting to stay connected to me.

This is exactly when I came across Dr. Shefali on YouTube. I listened to a lot of her talks and took her course The Awakened Heart and that was it. My egoic shell finally cracked! I could see all the ways my false self was playing around and creating destruction in the lives of my fellow humans. I saw my co-creation in all the life situations I was in and took complete responsibility for my unconscious behaviors. I was inspired to start the Conscious Parenting Method Certification Program and continue this journey of awakening that had just begun.

Two weeks into the course I had a breakthrough. I realized that my constant need for validation, my seeking of control over others, “my way or the highway” attitude, and many more false ways of being were all the tantrums of a raving and raging inner child inside of me with unmet needs. I had skipped looking into the psychological realm of my life and had jumped into pursuing the spiritual realm. That is why I was so stuck. The moment I learnt how to awaken my adult self and parent my inner child the unconsciousness started to reduce and the “True Self” started to re-appear. It was almost like a veil had been lifted from my eyes. I could see how I lived my life based on many belief systems that were all an illusion. The moment I started debunking those belief systems that did not serve me and revisiting and creating new narratives for the ones that did, I started seeing my husband, my daughters, my parents, my siblings and all the people I have shared my life with in a new perspective. I started feeling loving awareness and presence – the words I had read, heard and understood logically but had not yet experienced until now. There was breathing space in my relationships. I felt like I was living life in alignment for the very first time.

Most importantly, I connected with myself.

My Hobbies