My Approach

As a Conscious Parenting Coach, Montessori Educator, Teacher Trainer, parent and a fellow human who is constantly reflecting learning and wanting to understand, I can give you tools which will help you navigate through any life situation.

My intention is to help you deconstruct the unconsciousness that is showing up in your life. We will do this in an open-minded space filled with compassion.

Through the Conscious Parenting Method Certification Program, I learnt how important it is for us to be whole in order to have connected relationships with our children or any other human. I have experienced how we parents have a very crucial role to play in this psychological realm for our children. By taking care of our own psychological realm, we can help our children unfold into their true selves. I can help you as you clean up your own inner terrain, with tools from Eastern Philosophy and Western Psychology that I have learnt in the CPMC Program. I know it is not easy, but I also know you can do it.

It is time we get our act together. Otherwise, we will be passing on this unconsciousness to future generations and perpetuating it.

Now’s the time to meet your true self and help your children meet their true selves too!

Take your emotional wellbeing into your own hands now!

Click here for a free 30 minute session

The Process

  • We can look into the life situations that brought you to coaching and deconstruct them
  • I can usher you into becoming aware of patterns, projections and expectations in your own life
  • I can guide you as you uncover the needs of the inner child within you
  • We can find ways to develop a stable adult self that can parent your inner child
  • I can hold guided meditation sessions to enable you to strengthen your adult self

By meeting your inner child’s needs and empowering your adult self you will be able to handle all your life situations in equanimity.

My Areas of Coaching

I offer coaching to anyone troubled by any of the following or related life situations:

  • You are unable to set and stick to boundaries
  • Perfectionism is getting in your way
  • You can’t say no
  • You need help parenting your child
  • Your child is leaving to college and your world feels like it’s falling apart
  • You are having power struggles with your teenager
  • Everything around you is triggering you
  • You are unable to find a purpose for yourself
  • You are having trouble reaching your goals
  • Fear is limiting you from reaching your potential
  • You are seeking peace and calm
  • You are having trouble making decisions
  • You want to stop being a people pleaser
  • You are going through a rough patch and you need help navigating through it
  • Worry and anxiety are preventing you from being in the present moment
  • You are in a constant pursuit of happiness and it’s coming in your way

If you can relate to any of these and want to make a change then our journey together starts here.

Take your emotional wellbeing into your own hands now!

Click here for a free 30 minute session